Oil Massage and Astrology
Oil is very much needed for maintaining a good and healthy body but if it is applied on wrong days can leave us bankrupt and can causes different types of blockages in life in different ways .
So it's very important to know when and which days and tithis are good for applying oil so that you could benefit from that oil application in your life which could lead to prosperity and abundance. The days ideal for applying oil are Monday , Wednesday and Saturday . Along with the pratipada tithi which is considered as the ideal day for oil application on the body to ripe the maximum benefit from the oil application as per our Vedic Jyotish.
Now the bad days for application of oil are the Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. And in case of Poornima and Amavasya i.e is the full moon and nomoon days along with the dashami tithi .i.e 10 th day from waxing or waning moon,ekadashithithi i.e. 11 th day from waxing or waning moon ,shasthi tithi. i.e 6 th day from waxing or waning moon, tritiyo dashi tithi i.e. 13 th day from waxing or waning moon application of specially Gooseberry oil is very inauspicious.
So be careful when and what you are applying on your body to get the benifit.
Light, Love, Blessing.
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