Jupiter in Astrology and Astronomy
In astronomy Jupiter is the saviour of all the planets because it attracts all the planets . If it does not do so ,the plantes will go towards the Sun and burn themselves and loose there very existence. Jupiter is the biggest planet with maximum amount of gases and has maximum number of moon . In Vedic jyotish Jupiter or Guru graha is known as the' Lord Of the World ' .Beautiful hymns are there in Yajurveda for Jupiter and to get the blessing of Jupiter. Jupiter possesses all the divine virtues and is modest,forgiving and happy. The Brahmana Jupiter knows Vedas and is expert in all the forms of Knowledge.His mind and senses are disciplined and his intellect subtle.attracted to ritual, he follows the path of righteousness. His metal is gold and gem topaz and his body is predominantly kapha constitution ,found of sweets ,he wears yellow clothes and yellow flowers. Jupiter is lord of body fat, of North east,of Thursday,and the constellation of Sagittarius and Pisces. Jupiter is...